La celulitis es la acumulación de tejido adiposo en determinadas zonas del cuerpo. Se produce por una alteración de la circulación en la hipodermis que provoca el crecimiento del tejido graso junto con las paredes laterales, esto genera pequeños hoyos que son las clásicas marcas que aparecen en la piel.
Algunos estudios afirman que tienen mayor probabilidad de padecer celulitis aquellas personas que sufren de estreñimiento o tienen una mala circulación sanguínea. También guarda una alta relación con el nivel de toxinas en el cuerpo.
Consumir alimentos que alivien los problemas que tienen una alta probabilidad de producir la piel de naranja (como le dicen algunos) es una buena manera de combatirla.
Como ingredientes centrales de la dieta se encuentran los cítricos a los cuales es recomendable dejarle la piel blanca que los envuelve ya que esta refuerza los vasos capilares.
Los alimentos ricos en fibras son altamente recomendados ya que evitan el estreñimiento, un problema que guarda relación con la celulitis.
Realizar ejercicio, beber abundante agua y zumos de frutas es muy recomendable ya que ayuda a combatir la indeseable “piel de naranja”.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
Importance of Taking Care of Your Diamond Ring
Do you have a diamond ring given by your special someone? Are you willing to take good care of it? Are you combining the use of your different rings with a diamond ring? Read this article and learn many things about diamonds.
Diamonds are very precious and significant. They are one of the most beautiful creations made by God. If you have a diamond ring, it is your responsibility to take good care of it. It is the hardest material today but it does not mean that you do not safeguard it. Even though diamonds are the hardest, you should also know that they also suffer damages. Diamonds can also get scratches that reduce its luster and brightness. So, it is significant to shield its beauty. If you want to give something to your special someone, make sure to advice and tell her the importance of taking good care of it to maintain the beauty and quality of the extraordinary stone.
In addition, making diamonds are not easy. Why do you think so? It takes a long time to form it. The value of the rare stone is really unrivaled. The stones are also very difficult to mine out even through modern equipment. Today, diamonds are available in jewelry shops but they are very expensive and classy. So, make sure to protect them from any injuries and scratches to maintain its quality. One thing you also need to do is to keep diamonds away from other stones and even away from other diamonds.
When you keep them together, your diamonds are prone to scratches and injuries losing its luster, shine and will even devaluate its value. What are you waiting? Diamonds are one of the best gifts to give to your special someone if you want to propose to her. It symbolizes love and long lasting relationship. There are many diamonds on the market that you can choose from. Decide what suits your preference and make sure it looks good on her.
Express how you feel by giving a ring to her on a special date. It depends on how you present the ring to her—surprising her may be the best way. Show her that you really love her and your words are also very important. If she is the right girl for you, propose to her and make a commitment that you want to marry her. If you are happy with her and you understand each other, marry her. Make a long lasting and everlasting family. It is your decision to make. Step forward and expect a happy life by proposing with a diamond ring!
Diamonds are very precious and significant. They are one of the most beautiful creations made by God. If you have a diamond ring, it is your responsibility to take good care of it. It is the hardest material today but it does not mean that you do not safeguard it. Even though diamonds are the hardest, you should also know that they also suffer damages. Diamonds can also get scratches that reduce its luster and brightness. So, it is significant to shield its beauty. If you want to give something to your special someone, make sure to advice and tell her the importance of taking good care of it to maintain the beauty and quality of the extraordinary stone.
In addition, making diamonds are not easy. Why do you think so? It takes a long time to form it. The value of the rare stone is really unrivaled. The stones are also very difficult to mine out even through modern equipment. Today, diamonds are available in jewelry shops but they are very expensive and classy. So, make sure to protect them from any injuries and scratches to maintain its quality. One thing you also need to do is to keep diamonds away from other stones and even away from other diamonds.
When you keep them together, your diamonds are prone to scratches and injuries losing its luster, shine and will even devaluate its value. What are you waiting? Diamonds are one of the best gifts to give to your special someone if you want to propose to her. It symbolizes love and long lasting relationship. There are many diamonds on the market that you can choose from. Decide what suits your preference and make sure it looks good on her.
Express how you feel by giving a ring to her on a special date. It depends on how you present the ring to her—surprising her may be the best way. Show her that you really love her and your words are also very important. If she is the right girl for you, propose to her and make a commitment that you want to marry her. If you are happy with her and you understand each other, marry her. Make a long lasting and everlasting family. It is your decision to make. Step forward and expect a happy life by proposing with a diamond ring!
Rusk Mousse - Hair Product Review
With today’s demanding hair styles, a high quality Rusk Mousse is a must have product for all women. Not only are they a great way to hold a curly hair style but can offer shine, control, and volume.
The Designer Collection from Rusk is an impressive and vast collection of hair styling products developed to mold, shape and control the hair with multiple levels of hold and functionality. Rusk Designer Collection styling products are coveted by hair professionals. But, by using a favorite product alone, or mixing multiple products together, the ideal hairstyle can be designed easily by the professional or anyone seeking unique and innovative styling products.
The designer collection features 3 high quality mousses that offer different benefits and unique abilities to your hair style.
* Rusk Blofoam Extreme Texturizer & Root Lifter: Is a convenient spray-on foam mousse that produces superior texture while lifting your roots and offering superior styling control and flexibility. Contains a unique herbal extract complex that seals the hair’s cuticle for maximum shine and creates lift, volume and body.
* Rusk Maximum Volume & Control Mousse: Is a bodybuilding hair styling mousse that is a highly concentrated formula for incredible volume, shine, body, and control. Great for uncontrollable, flat hair and perfect for blow drying and enhancing curls. Ingredients contain hydrolyzed keratin and silk to help smooth, strengthen and hydrate.
* Rusk Thickr Thickening Mousse: This hair styling mousse provides superior body, texture and hold and is made with naturally derived ingredients. Guaranteed no to accumulate build up, this special formula bonds to each individual hair strand, transforming flat, dull hair into voluminous hair full of body, control and shine. This product contains ThermplexPlus which also improves texture and thickness resulting in silky, smooth and manageable hair.
Rusk utilizes unique and innovative technologies when formulating their hair styling mousses so that only a small amount is needed to style the hair adequately. More applications, less money, and less effect on the environment are just a few of the benefits of a more concentrated product.
Effective polymers and resins are a main ingredient and offer long lasting holding power while Glycerin and Lanolin moisturize and condition. Hydrolyzed silk and honey impart softness, smoothness, and shine, and also help to moisturize and repair damage.
Rusk Mousses are perfect styling aids for those seeking super-strong hold with conditioning and smoothing properties. This tried and true mousse formulation is an effective aid for curl enhancement, volumizing, and extreme hold.
The Designer Collection from Rusk is an impressive and vast collection of hair styling products developed to mold, shape and control the hair with multiple levels of hold and functionality. Rusk Designer Collection styling products are coveted by hair professionals. But, by using a favorite product alone, or mixing multiple products together, the ideal hairstyle can be designed easily by the professional or anyone seeking unique and innovative styling products.
The designer collection features 3 high quality mousses that offer different benefits and unique abilities to your hair style.
* Rusk Blofoam Extreme Texturizer & Root Lifter: Is a convenient spray-on foam mousse that produces superior texture while lifting your roots and offering superior styling control and flexibility. Contains a unique herbal extract complex that seals the hair’s cuticle for maximum shine and creates lift, volume and body.
* Rusk Maximum Volume & Control Mousse: Is a bodybuilding hair styling mousse that is a highly concentrated formula for incredible volume, shine, body, and control. Great for uncontrollable, flat hair and perfect for blow drying and enhancing curls. Ingredients contain hydrolyzed keratin and silk to help smooth, strengthen and hydrate.
* Rusk Thickr Thickening Mousse: This hair styling mousse provides superior body, texture and hold and is made with naturally derived ingredients. Guaranteed no to accumulate build up, this special formula bonds to each individual hair strand, transforming flat, dull hair into voluminous hair full of body, control and shine. This product contains ThermplexPlus which also improves texture and thickness resulting in silky, smooth and manageable hair.
Rusk utilizes unique and innovative technologies when formulating their hair styling mousses so that only a small amount is needed to style the hair adequately. More applications, less money, and less effect on the environment are just a few of the benefits of a more concentrated product.
Effective polymers and resins are a main ingredient and offer long lasting holding power while Glycerin and Lanolin moisturize and condition. Hydrolyzed silk and honey impart softness, smoothness, and shine, and also help to moisturize and repair damage.
Rusk Mousses are perfect styling aids for those seeking super-strong hold with conditioning and smoothing properties. This tried and true mousse formulation is an effective aid for curl enhancement, volumizing, and extreme hold.
Laser Hair Removal and Electrolysis
Millions and millions of people around the world, male and female, remove unwanted and excessive hair from their faces and body everyday. There are many options and methods to consider.
Hair removal tends to fall into two main categories; non-permanent hair removal (shaving and depilatory creams to mention a few) and permanent hair removal (electrolysis and laser hair removal). As lifestyles change and become more demanding, and as technology develops, permanent methods have become more and more popular, especially laser hair removal, which was the most desired cosmetic treatment in a 2010 survey.
Laser hair removal and electrolysis are similar in that both methods destroy the hair at the root - the hair follicle. What differ between the two methods is the technology and procedures involved and also the time it takes to become permanently hair free.
Electrolysis can be very time consuming and painful. The procedure used during electrolysis treatments usually concentrates on one hair follicle at a time. The procedure consists of a metal probe being inserted into the hair follicle. Once the metal probe has been inserted into the hair follicle, it releases an electronic current or charge. This damages the hair follicle which is then unable to produce hair. Due to the invasive procedure of inserting a metal probe into the follicle, electrolysis is usually painful and uncomfortable. The procedure cannot be carried out very quickly and therefore appointments can be long and tiresome. Providing treatments are carried out following the treatment plan, the average timescale for becoming hair free on one area using electrolysis is 10-12 months.
Soprano XL LHR is a non-invasive and pain free, permanent treatment. This treatment can be safely carried out on any area of the face and body, including the sensitive and hard to reach areas. Laser hair removal using the Soprano XL uses light energy that passes safely through the skin and is absorbed by the hair follicle as heat. The heat affects the hair follicle in such a way that results in the follicle being unable to produce hair again.
Unlike electrolysis, which concentrates on one hair follicle at a time, laser hair removal simultaneously concentrates on a great number of follicles at one time making the procedure quick and easy. Treatments do not take a long time, in fact treatments to the top lip and chin area can be completed in 5 minutes, the underarms 10 minutes, bikini area 20 minutes and so on. Results can be noticed after one treatment and providing the treatments are carried out following the treatment plan, the timescale for becoming hair free can be as quickly as 5-6 months. Due to the noticeable difference in appointment times and hair free timescales, the popularity of laser hair removal has increased greatly and has become an option which can fit into everybody’s lifestyle whilst also giving them the results they desire.
A summary of a study published in 'Dermatologic Surgery' in 2000 showed the differences found between twelve patients using both treatments in twenty four areas of the body. It stated that while LHR may be more expensive than electrolysis, it is sixty times faster and less painful in comparison to electrolysis and more patients experienced more favourable results with laser hair removal and now with the soprano XL it is completely pain-free.
What Every Woman Should Know about their Mineral Foundation
I have been using a popular brand of mineral foundation for some time now. Then last night, out of the blue, I became curious on its quality and looked it up in the internet. I’m not sure if I should be glad that my preferred brand rated number 6 in the Environment Working Group website’s hazard score which means that my organic foundation is in the moderate hazard category. 0 to 2 means low hazard, 3 to 6 means moderate hazard and 7 to 10 means high hazard. If this were a firing squad, this means that I am next in line to the first batch. Should I be glad?
I then decided to do some more reading on the topic. According to the website, ingredients present in my preferred foundation are linked to cancer, developmental or reproductive toxicity and allergies. Needless to say, the next day, I reported to work without any make up at all. As I am working inside the mall, I have resolved to visit the nearest organic cosmetics boutique after work. Then I immersed myself in tons of work so I can forget about my product being linked to cancer. And forget as well, that I have been using this brand for as long as I can remember. But sadly, I cannot forget. So I did another research and looked for natural cosmetics that are relatively safer than my current brand. First I looked up the more expensive organic cosmetics line near my office. And to my surprise, their mineral makeup and lipstick is still under the moderate hazard classification! Although it was a few notches lower with a hazard score of 3. What if I want something which is not hazardous at all? What product should I use?
I continued my research and found, at last, that there are some mineral foundations that are under the low hazard classification. One brand in particular use more organic and synthetic free ingredients and very sparingly use toxins like dioxide and MICA which according to studies has been associated to cancer, allergies, organ system toxicity, occupational hazards and Biochemical or cellular level changes. It is also free from synthetic preservatives called paraben, an ingredient in most skin care products like cosmetics, shampoo, conditioners and lotions. These synthetic preservatives are said to be carcinogenic. Several breast cancer studies discovered the presence of paraben in breast cancer tumors.
Contrary to popular belief, not all mineral foundations are allergy and irritant free. Most organic cosmetics use bismuth oxychloride, a natural ingredient which may irritate sensitive skin and may cause itching when applied to the face or even acne. I have sensitive skin so I decided look for a product that is bismuth oxychloride free, paraben free as well as a low hazard natural cosmetic. Maybe luck was on my side because it didn’t take me long to find what I was looking for.
I then decided to do some more reading on the topic. According to the website, ingredients present in my preferred foundation are linked to cancer, developmental or reproductive toxicity and allergies. Needless to say, the next day, I reported to work without any make up at all. As I am working inside the mall, I have resolved to visit the nearest organic cosmetics boutique after work. Then I immersed myself in tons of work so I can forget about my product being linked to cancer. And forget as well, that I have been using this brand for as long as I can remember. But sadly, I cannot forget. So I did another research and looked for natural cosmetics that are relatively safer than my current brand. First I looked up the more expensive organic cosmetics line near my office. And to my surprise, their mineral makeup and lipstick is still under the moderate hazard classification! Although it was a few notches lower with a hazard score of 3. What if I want something which is not hazardous at all? What product should I use?
I continued my research and found, at last, that there are some mineral foundations that are under the low hazard classification. One brand in particular use more organic and synthetic free ingredients and very sparingly use toxins like dioxide and MICA which according to studies has been associated to cancer, allergies, organ system toxicity, occupational hazards and Biochemical or cellular level changes. It is also free from synthetic preservatives called paraben, an ingredient in most skin care products like cosmetics, shampoo, conditioners and lotions. These synthetic preservatives are said to be carcinogenic. Several breast cancer studies discovered the presence of paraben in breast cancer tumors.
Contrary to popular belief, not all mineral foundations are allergy and irritant free. Most organic cosmetics use bismuth oxychloride, a natural ingredient which may irritate sensitive skin and may cause itching when applied to the face or even acne. I have sensitive skin so I decided look for a product that is bismuth oxychloride free, paraben free as well as a low hazard natural cosmetic. Maybe luck was on my side because it didn’t take me long to find what I was looking for.
Find out how to Shop for Clip-in Hair Extensions
Permanent hair extensions are generally expensive. Due to the hefty fee, some end up with a less expensive alternative which is the clip-in hair extension. Anybody who wants a quick new look will find this sort of hair makeover extremely helpful. This can be used without the need for help from the professional beautician. One other good thing about these clip-in extensions is that they can be available in the market and you can freely select from the huge selection. While it is not difficult to just choose from the multitude of extensions available for sale, you need to be equipped with some smart tips prior to buying. Using this method, you can get the highest quality extensions that fit your look along with your budget.
First off, get a research with regard to the particular clip-in extensions that you want. The simplest way to do this is online via the internet. This is the most hassle-free approach to match and make ideal decisions. You can also incorporate your local marketplace and salon where durable and quality extensions can be obtained. In addition, you can look for feedbacks and suggestions about particular extension products. For further accurate research, you can read some reviews as these typically relay details about the cost, quality, brand, and all other information about the product. In addition, it usually delivers some updates on brands and trends.
When acquiring online, it will be smart if you look at distinct websites before making a choice on which one to buy. Deal with internet vendors that offer ideally suited terms in terms of refund or return policy. This is an essential thing to think about in case there are issues with the product. The good thing about online shopping is that you can utilize the best prices and deals and you can even purchase them at discounted prices. In addition you have all the freedom to browse, pick, compare and then order at a click of your mouse.
If you want to buy at the nearest local store or beauty shop, you can physically see and touch the kind of hair extensions available. You can fit them and feel them and then select the best one that flawlessly matches. It is possible to ask help from sales representatives in connection with colour and kind of clip-in extensions that will suit you. An expert recommendation and suggestion is a plus. However, one disadvantage is that they can be priced a bit higher. But no matter what, you can have the good thing about seeing and feeling the product in person. Thus giving you a better judgement since you can really see the item and not simply view it online.
Various other issues when choosing clip-in hair extensions is the length, weight, colour and the type of hair used. For additional tips, you can always find expert advices online or you can watch videos on youtube about advised products and some ideas on how to make the most out of the hair extension.
Purchase stylish and high quality hair extensions san antonio texas and look at your best. Seek advice from the hair experts about ideal hair extensions in san antonio tx and other hair care treatments.
First off, get a research with regard to the particular clip-in extensions that you want. The simplest way to do this is online via the internet. This is the most hassle-free approach to match and make ideal decisions. You can also incorporate your local marketplace and salon where durable and quality extensions can be obtained. In addition, you can look for feedbacks and suggestions about particular extension products. For further accurate research, you can read some reviews as these typically relay details about the cost, quality, brand, and all other information about the product. In addition, it usually delivers some updates on brands and trends.
When acquiring online, it will be smart if you look at distinct websites before making a choice on which one to buy. Deal with internet vendors that offer ideally suited terms in terms of refund or return policy. This is an essential thing to think about in case there are issues with the product. The good thing about online shopping is that you can utilize the best prices and deals and you can even purchase them at discounted prices. In addition you have all the freedom to browse, pick, compare and then order at a click of your mouse.
If you want to buy at the nearest local store or beauty shop, you can physically see and touch the kind of hair extensions available. You can fit them and feel them and then select the best one that flawlessly matches. It is possible to ask help from sales representatives in connection with colour and kind of clip-in extensions that will suit you. An expert recommendation and suggestion is a plus. However, one disadvantage is that they can be priced a bit higher. But no matter what, you can have the good thing about seeing and feeling the product in person. Thus giving you a better judgement since you can really see the item and not simply view it online.
Various other issues when choosing clip-in hair extensions is the length, weight, colour and the type of hair used. For additional tips, you can always find expert advices online or you can watch videos on youtube about advised products and some ideas on how to make the most out of the hair extension.
Purchase stylish and high quality hair extensions san antonio texas and look at your best. Seek advice from the hair experts about ideal hair extensions in san antonio tx and other hair care treatments.
Beautiful vintage jewellery to wear and treasure
Vintage is always right on trend – why? Because the word ‘vintage’ in the context of jewellery simply means jewellery from a bygone era, so it covers a huge range of styles, designs and names.
‘Vintage jewellery’ may be distinguished from ‘antique’ jewellery which tends to be jewellery that is pre 1920s. So is anything not the vintage look? Sure! Vintage is certainly something more distinctive than the herringbone gold chains and St Christophers that adorn the pages of your local catalogue store.
Being into vintage adds a lot of fun to your wardrobe. Costume gems, colourful brooches and cocktail rings, pearls and bows, watch necklaces and charms, these have all glittered from dozens of runways and quickly find their way into your high street or mall. With stone encrusted pieces from the forties and fifties, baubles from sixties pop art, groovy bright seventies colours and shed loads of eighties glam, whatever’s ‘in fashion’ is far more interesting than sterling silver studs and plain chains. The look is whimsical and fortunately for obsessive fashion followers everywhere, it’s also affordable, with faux gems and inexpensive metals like silver and gold plate being high on the runway trends list.
If, like me, you’re a fan of vintage jewellery, you might be wondering what to buy now that’ll be a good investment for the future. We’re talking about the real vintage deal here – jewellery with a past, not the high street imitations. Well, there’s a few designers that are sure to be vintage collectibles a few decades from now.
The names to watch for are:
• Alexander McQueen
• Chanel – always classic, always in fashion
• John Galliano
• Lanvin (Alber Elbaz)
• Louis Vuitton
• Marc Jacobs
• Miuccia Prada
Naturally, names come with a price tag but you can keep your eye out for bargains while allowing the high street alternatives to add spice to your wardrobe. Places to look:
• Ebay – be careful for fakes though
• Web
• Charity shops, especially in high fashion areas
• Markets
If you’re buying the real thing, do examine pieces carefully to make sure stones are secure and metal parts are intact. Look at the claws holding the stones, to see that they’re all there. Stones are really expensive or impossible to replace so it’s worth taking the time.
Also, when you’re buying brands, try to find out if they have been repaired as repaired pieces aren't necessarily worth less but it may affect the value, especially on old pieces. Keep an eye out for pieces with a signature, trademark, designer’s name, stamp, etc as these marks add value and make the piece more collectable/desirable.
‘Vintage jewellery’ may be distinguished from ‘antique’ jewellery which tends to be jewellery that is pre 1920s. So is anything not the vintage look? Sure! Vintage is certainly something more distinctive than the herringbone gold chains and St Christophers that adorn the pages of your local catalogue store.
Being into vintage adds a lot of fun to your wardrobe. Costume gems, colourful brooches and cocktail rings, pearls and bows, watch necklaces and charms, these have all glittered from dozens of runways and quickly find their way into your high street or mall. With stone encrusted pieces from the forties and fifties, baubles from sixties pop art, groovy bright seventies colours and shed loads of eighties glam, whatever’s ‘in fashion’ is far more interesting than sterling silver studs and plain chains. The look is whimsical and fortunately for obsessive fashion followers everywhere, it’s also affordable, with faux gems and inexpensive metals like silver and gold plate being high on the runway trends list.
If, like me, you’re a fan of vintage jewellery, you might be wondering what to buy now that’ll be a good investment for the future. We’re talking about the real vintage deal here – jewellery with a past, not the high street imitations. Well, there’s a few designers that are sure to be vintage collectibles a few decades from now.
The names to watch for are:
• Alexander McQueen
• Chanel – always classic, always in fashion
• John Galliano
• Lanvin (Alber Elbaz)
• Louis Vuitton
• Marc Jacobs
• Miuccia Prada
Naturally, names come with a price tag but you can keep your eye out for bargains while allowing the high street alternatives to add spice to your wardrobe. Places to look:
• Ebay – be careful for fakes though
• Web
• Charity shops, especially in high fashion areas
• Markets
If you’re buying the real thing, do examine pieces carefully to make sure stones are secure and metal parts are intact. Look at the claws holding the stones, to see that they’re all there. Stones are really expensive or impossible to replace so it’s worth taking the time.
Also, when you’re buying brands, try to find out if they have been repaired as repaired pieces aren't necessarily worth less but it may affect the value, especially on old pieces. Keep an eye out for pieces with a signature, trademark, designer’s name, stamp, etc as these marks add value and make the piece more collectable/desirable.
Hair Removal Techniques For Different Body Parts
There are so many different types of hair removal but what may work for one body part may not work for another, some require more gentle methods while others need something harsher. From shaving and waxing to plucking and epilating, here’s a guide to what type of hair removal works best for each body part.
There are so many possible methods of hair removal for the legs so why not test out a few and choose your favourite one. Wet shaving is typically the most popular because it’s easy to do and gives a nice smooth finish, while an electric shaver is perfect for a quick shave if you don’t have the time. Many women also like to wax their legs because of the result it gives with a smooth and long lasting finish. Epilators have a similar effect as waxing, while depilatory creams melt the hair at the root and are like wet shaving.
You’re probably best sticking with shaving for the underarms, as there isn’t usually a lot of hair and because the surface is quite small. A wet shave will give a clean finish, while you could always use an electric shaver for quick results.
Bikini line
As the bikini line is a sensitive area to remove hair you must take care whatever technique you decide upon. The most effective hair removal for the bikini line is waxing, as this gives a clean finish by removing the hair from the root. Although waxing can be painful at first, the more you have it done the less painful it will be. For quick results, wet shaving is the best technique, but try not to go over one area too many times and always use shaving foam or an alternative. Again, use small scissors to tidy up the area if need be.
Of course, most women will use tweezers to pluck the eyebrows, as this is not only quick and easy but also gives the most definite shape and precision. If you want to trim back the hair on the eyebrows, use some small scissors to remove stray hairs. Threading is a new technique that has similar results but uses small threads to remove the hairs and is carried out in salons. Some women like to have their eyebrows waxed, although this has more long term results it may not give the accuracy of plucking and maybe be more suited to use in the middle of the eyebrows and then touching up with tweezers
There are so many possible methods of hair removal for the legs so why not test out a few and choose your favourite one. Wet shaving is typically the most popular because it’s easy to do and gives a nice smooth finish, while an electric shaver is perfect for a quick shave if you don’t have the time. Many women also like to wax their legs because of the result it gives with a smooth and long lasting finish. Epilators have a similar effect as waxing, while depilatory creams melt the hair at the root and are like wet shaving.
You’re probably best sticking with shaving for the underarms, as there isn’t usually a lot of hair and because the surface is quite small. A wet shave will give a clean finish, while you could always use an electric shaver for quick results.
Bikini line
As the bikini line is a sensitive area to remove hair you must take care whatever technique you decide upon. The most effective hair removal for the bikini line is waxing, as this gives a clean finish by removing the hair from the root. Although waxing can be painful at first, the more you have it done the less painful it will be. For quick results, wet shaving is the best technique, but try not to go over one area too many times and always use shaving foam or an alternative. Again, use small scissors to tidy up the area if need be.
Of course, most women will use tweezers to pluck the eyebrows, as this is not only quick and easy but also gives the most definite shape and precision. If you want to trim back the hair on the eyebrows, use some small scissors to remove stray hairs. Threading is a new technique that has similar results but uses small threads to remove the hairs and is carried out in salons. Some women like to have their eyebrows waxed, although this has more long term results it may not give the accuracy of plucking and maybe be more suited to use in the middle of the eyebrows and then touching up with tweezers
Eyelash Growth For Unmatched Beauty
Different people have different eyelashes of varied lengths. However, every woman wants to have long and thick eyelashes. There are varieties of cosmetic products available in the market such as eyelash conditioner, mascara, eye putty and other products that are develop to enhance and beautify the looks of their lashes. If you’re one of those women who want to increase your eyelash growth, this article is meant for you as it will provide an insight on eyelash growth.
Since ancient times eyelashes of a woman are considered an important part of a woman’s beauty. This is the reasons why women pay too much attention to this part of their body in order to flaunt their femininity. In order to get sustained eyelash growth, many women have gone to some extent. Let’s understand how they grow.
Generally the rate of eyelash growth is extremely slow and takes several months before they grow to the right size. There are three stages involved into eyelash growth and include Anagen growth phase, Catagen growth phase and Telogen growth stage. There are various factors that affect the growth of eyelashes. The major factor for hair growth is your diet. Those people that don’t have healthy and balanced diet are more prone to have irregular hair growth and hair quality. The reason is the absence of proper treatment required to have a healthy growth. People taking healthy diet are more likely to have enhanced hair growth.
There are a lot of eyelash growth products available in the market that can help you have those eyelashes that you’re looking for. An eyelash conditioner is a remarkable product that is used like ordinary mascara. It helps in moisturizing the lashes in order to increase their growth rate. Moreover, it also help in supplying the required nutrients to the eyelashes.
Since ancient times eyelashes of a woman are considered an important part of a woman’s beauty. This is the reasons why women pay too much attention to this part of their body in order to flaunt their femininity. In order to get sustained eyelash growth, many women have gone to some extent. Let’s understand how they grow.
Generally the rate of eyelash growth is extremely slow and takes several months before they grow to the right size. There are three stages involved into eyelash growth and include Anagen growth phase, Catagen growth phase and Telogen growth stage. There are various factors that affect the growth of eyelashes. The major factor for hair growth is your diet. Those people that don’t have healthy and balanced diet are more prone to have irregular hair growth and hair quality. The reason is the absence of proper treatment required to have a healthy growth. People taking healthy diet are more likely to have enhanced hair growth.
There are a lot of eyelash growth products available in the market that can help you have those eyelashes that you’re looking for. An eyelash conditioner is a remarkable product that is used like ordinary mascara. It helps in moisturizing the lashes in order to increase their growth rate. Moreover, it also help in supplying the required nutrients to the eyelashes.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Imagine this: You get a last-minute invitation for a beach trip and realize that the hairs on your bikini line are a bit unruly. You don't have any appropriate wax kits or depilatories on hand at home, and it's too late in the game to score an appointment with your aesthetician. You'll probably have to resort to shaving, and you dread that because of those unsightly red bumps which will inevitably pop up immediately after you take a razor to your skin. If you could just get rid of the hair for good, it would make life a lot easier.
Admittedly, it usually takes more than a couple of bikini mishaps like the one described above to get someone thinking seriously about permanent hair removal. But combine those with never-ending daily and weekly rituals of shaving, waxing and plucking, and you're probably at least ready to look into what permanent hair removal entails
laser hair removal philadelphia
Do you have ugly hairs on your body that you want to get rid of? Utilize the many methods of hair removal to eliminate your unnecessary hair problem. There are many methods you can choose to use depending on what area of your body is involved. You can use the simple methods of tweezing, shaving, and waxing but you can also use the modern methods namely electrolysis and laser hair removal. These methods will never disappoint you in achieving the desired results you expect as they are proven to be very effective in keeping the skin free of hair, gentle, and smooth.
The most known methods to eliminate hairs are tweezing, shaving, and waxing. They are categorized as traditional hair removal methods because they are the old-fashioned ways to remove hairs. The methods involve pain and they also take some time to do and the hairs also just grow back in a couple of days or week. But they are inexpensive which is why a lot of people choose to use them rather than utilizing the expensive methods available. They are mostly used on hairs that grow in widespread areas of the body. The modern methods to eliminate excess hairs are electrolysis and laser hair elimination.
Laser hair elimination is more advised by the experts because it is painless but laser hair removal costis expensive and it requires 4-6 sessions to achieve the desired results. It is expensive because it makes use of modern laser technology to deaden the hair follicles and impede them from growing back. It also leaves the smooth gentle and smooth immediately after every session.

- See results in 90 days; in 6-8 months, you’re done
- FDA-cleared safe and effective
- Get baby soft skin-like the hair was never there
- Get the same results as professional laser hair removal and save thousands of dollars
Get permanent hair-free results at home-guaranteed!
Created by the same scientists who made in-office laser hair removal a success, the TRIA Laser frees you from a lifetime of shaving, waxing, ingrown hairs and razor burn. It’s the only laser that can deliver permanent, professional results at home.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Ses tips beauté
F.B : Quel est votre premier geste beauté le matin ? Le soir ? T.G : Ce que je n'oublie jamais de faire le soir, c'est de bien me démaquiller pour laisser ma peau respirer. Ensuite j'hydrate bien avec de la crème.
Le matin, je bois un verre d'eau avec du citron, ça permet un petit nettoyage et on se fait plaisir en même temps.
F.B : Vous avez de très beaux cheveux, quel est votre secret ?T.G : J'ai des extensions! Voilà le secret. j'ai opté pour cette solution car quand je jouais au Tennis mes cheveux étaient tout le temps sous une casquette. Je voyageais beaucoup, transporter mon shampooing, mes masques, tout le nécessaire de coiffure était compliqué....Aujourd'hui j'ai un peu plus le temps mais ce n'est pas une habitude que j'ai prise pour autant. Les extensions permettent en plus de donner un beau résultat pour les brushings sans abîmer mes cheveux mais il faudrait vraiment que je prenne le temps de m'en occuper !
F. B : Selon vous, Qu'est-ce qui rend une femme belle ? T.G : Je pense que le sommeil est le "remède" à tout. Quand on dort beaucoup ou même si l'on prend juste le temps de faire une petite sieste, il y a un éclat qui se lit sur le teint. Quand on manque de sommeil, aucun maquillage ne peut le cacher même pas un anti-cernes.
Le matin, je bois un verre d'eau avec du citron, ça permet un petit nettoyage et on se fait plaisir en même temps.
F.B : Vous avez de très beaux cheveux, quel est votre secret ?T.G : J'ai des extensions! Voilà le secret. j'ai opté pour cette solution car quand je jouais au Tennis mes cheveux étaient tout le temps sous une casquette. Je voyageais beaucoup, transporter mon shampooing, mes masques, tout le nécessaire de coiffure était compliqué....Aujourd'hui j'ai un peu plus le temps mais ce n'est pas une habitude que j'ai prise pour autant. Les extensions permettent en plus de donner un beau résultat pour les brushings sans abîmer mes cheveux mais il faudrait vraiment que je prenne le temps de m'en occuper !
F. B : Selon vous, Qu'est-ce qui rend une femme belle ? T.G : Je pense que le sommeil est le "remède" à tout. Quand on dort beaucoup ou même si l'on prend juste le temps de faire une petite sieste, il y a un éclat qui se lit sur le teint. Quand on manque de sommeil, aucun maquillage ne peut le cacher même pas un anti-cernes.
F.B : Quels sont les trois produits de maquillage qui ne vous quittent jamais ?T.G : J'ai toujours un stick à lèvres sur moi pourhydrater, le Pure Color Gloss stick d'Estée Lauderest vraiment génial. Je ne peux pas me passer desmascaras MAC qui donnent à mes cils plus de volume. Je finirai par les blushs Chanel qui sont vraiment sensationnels.
F.B : Serena Williams vient de lancer une collection de vernis à ongles avec la marque OPI, est-ce qu'une collaboration vous intéresserait ?T.G : Bien sûr, c'est le rêve de tout le monde d'être choisi par une marque pour la représenter. Quand une marque décide de collaborer avec vous, c'est que l'image que vous véhiculez plait, donc c'est toujours agréable.
F.B : Serena Williams vient de lancer une collection de vernis à ongles avec la marque OPI, est-ce qu'une collaboration vous intéresserait ?T.G : Bien sûr, c'est le rêve de tout le monde d'être choisi par une marque pour la représenter. Quand une marque décide de collaborer avec vous, c'est que l'image que vous véhiculez plait, donc c'est toujours agréable.
Friday, April 29, 2011
les photos du mariage de Kate et William
le mariage est célébré en l'abbaye de Westminster. 1.900 invités seront présents et deux milliards de téléspectateurs regarderont la cérémonie, selon des estimations officielles….Cérémonie qui durera environ deux heures.
Puis le nouveau couple défilera en carrosse jusqu'au palais de Buckingham, résidence londonienne de la reine. Le cortège, qui comprend au total cinq équipages transportant la famille royale et les parents de Kate, parcourra en 15 minutes 2,02 km. Pour tenter d'apercevoir les mariés ou quelques invités, des centaines de personnes ont passé la nuit dehors.
Le couple apparaîtra à 14h25 précises sur le balcon du palais où, selon les médias, un baiser devrait être échangé...
16h33 : Les jeunes mariés se sont (enfin) embrassés sur le balcon du palace de Buckingham. Applaudissements des spectateurs.
16h25 : Kate et William s'embrassent sur le balcon sous le regard émerveillé et les cris de la foule.
15h30 : Arrivée au palais. Le baiser au balcon est attendu...
15h16 : La reine Elisabeth II, âgée de 85 ans, installée dans son carrosse, quitte à son tour l'abbaye pour le palais de Buckingham.
15h13 : Le carrosse tiré par quatre chevaux blancs s'est élancé. Les nouveaux époux saluent la foule.
15h09 : Le couple s'apprête à sortir de l'abbaye alors que la foule, à l'extérieur, clame les nouveaux époux. Le cortège nuptial n'a pas encore débuté.
14h53 : L'hymne national britannique, le "God save the Queen", retentit !
14h50 : Bénédiction finale.
14h46 : Le "Notre Père" est prononcé par l'ensemble des personnes présentes.
14h41 : Kate et William sont debout sous la nef... Ils se recueillent aux sons des choristes.
14h34 : Sermon de l'évêque de Londres qui rappelle que ce mariage est célébré face à des millions de témoins.
14h31 : Une chorale interprète une compilation de chants religieux.
14h26 : James Middleton, le frère de Kate, fait la lecture.
14h22 : Hymne préféré des Anglais... un hymne à l'amour composé par Charles Wesley.
14h20 : Échange des alliances.
14h16 : Attention... William et Kate ont tous deux dit "oui" !
14h14 : Personne ne s'oppose à ce mariage ! "William Arthur Philippe Louis voulez vous prendre cette femme, Catherine Elisabeth pour épouse... Voulez-vous l'aimer, le chérir..." L'échange des consentements est en cours.
14h12 : Chant national gallois...
14h11 : Les futurs mariés sont, côte à côte, devant l'autel. William lui chuchote quelques mots...
14h07 : Le cortège s'avance sur une musique classique. Kate sourit beaucoup.
14h : Kate Middleton entre dans l'abbaye de Westminster avec son père. Sa soeur soulève sa traîne, pas si longue... Elle porte une longue robe de mariée ivoire, avec des broderies, agrémentée d'un voile et d'un diadème.
13h55 : La future mariée est en route vers l'abbaye de Wesminster. Elle salue les gens qui ont fait tout spécialement le déplacement.
13h51 : La reine d'Angleterre entre dans l'abbaye de Westminster. Chapeau, gants blancs et robe jaune...
13h48 : Le prince Charles, père de William, est arrivé. Il salue quelques convives.
13h46 : La cérémonie débute d'ici une quinzaine de minutes.
13h44 : On aperçoit la reine dans sa voiture. Elle est habillé de couleur jaune.
13h38 : La famille royale quitte le palais de Buckingham, sous les applaudissements du public. Le dispositif de sécurité est impressionnant.
13h35 : Sobre mais élégante, la mère de Kate Middleton arrive à l'abbaye de Westminster, accompagnée de son fils.
13h28 : La voiture des parents de la mariée passe devant le palais royal de Buckingham.
13h25 : Beaucoup de têtes couronnées font partie des 1.900 invités à l'instar du prince Albert de Monaco, de la princesse du Maroc, du roi de Tonga ou encore du roi de Malaisie.
13h24 : L'uniforme du prince William est rouge. Il salue actuellement la famille Spencer, famille de Diana, sa mère.
13h21 : Le prince William vient d'arriver, aux côtés de son frère Ary. Tous deux foulent le tapis rouge.
13h17 : Ce jour de mariage princier a été proclamé férié en Angleterre.
13h15 : Les trottoirs sont bondés. La foule crie pour saluer les invités.
13h05 : Des bookmakers anglais ont parié de la possibilité que Kate Middleton disent "non" ! D'autres attendent de voir si Kate portera la coiffe de Lady Diana qui, pour l'anecdote, portait une robe avec une traîne de 8m de long lors de son mariage avec le prince Charles.
13h04 (heure locale) : Les invités arrivent au compte-goutte dans l'abbaye de Westminster. Elton John ou encore Victoria et David Beckham sont présents.
Puis le nouveau couple défilera en carrosse jusqu'au palais de Buckingham, résidence londonienne de la reine. Le cortège, qui comprend au total cinq équipages transportant la famille royale et les parents de Kate, parcourra en 15 minutes 2,02 km. Pour tenter d'apercevoir les mariés ou quelques invités, des centaines de personnes ont passé la nuit dehors.
Le couple apparaîtra à 14h25 précises sur le balcon du palais où, selon les médias, un baiser devrait être échangé...
16h33 : Les jeunes mariés se sont (enfin) embrassés sur le balcon du palace de Buckingham. Applaudissements des spectateurs.
16h25 : Kate et William s'embrassent sur le balcon sous le regard émerveillé et les cris de la foule.
15h30 : Arrivée au palais. Le baiser au balcon est attendu...
15h16 : La reine Elisabeth II, âgée de 85 ans, installée dans son carrosse, quitte à son tour l'abbaye pour le palais de Buckingham.
15h13 : Le carrosse tiré par quatre chevaux blancs s'est élancé. Les nouveaux époux saluent la foule.
15h09 : Le couple s'apprête à sortir de l'abbaye alors que la foule, à l'extérieur, clame les nouveaux époux. Le cortège nuptial n'a pas encore débuté.
14h53 : L'hymne national britannique, le "God save the Queen", retentit !
14h50 : Bénédiction finale.
14h46 : Le "Notre Père" est prononcé par l'ensemble des personnes présentes.
14h41 : Kate et William sont debout sous la nef... Ils se recueillent aux sons des choristes.
14h34 : Sermon de l'évêque de Londres qui rappelle que ce mariage est célébré face à des millions de témoins.
14h31 : Une chorale interprète une compilation de chants religieux.
14h26 : James Middleton, le frère de Kate, fait la lecture.
14h22 : Hymne préféré des Anglais... un hymne à l'amour composé par Charles Wesley.
14h20 : Échange des alliances.
14h16 : Attention... William et Kate ont tous deux dit "oui" !
14h14 : Personne ne s'oppose à ce mariage ! "William Arthur Philippe Louis voulez vous prendre cette femme, Catherine Elisabeth pour épouse... Voulez-vous l'aimer, le chérir..." L'échange des consentements est en cours.
14h12 : Chant national gallois...
14h11 : Les futurs mariés sont, côte à côte, devant l'autel. William lui chuchote quelques mots...
14h07 : Le cortège s'avance sur une musique classique. Kate sourit beaucoup.
14h : Kate Middleton entre dans l'abbaye de Westminster avec son père. Sa soeur soulève sa traîne, pas si longue... Elle porte une longue robe de mariée ivoire, avec des broderies, agrémentée d'un voile et d'un diadème.
13h55 : La future mariée est en route vers l'abbaye de Wesminster. Elle salue les gens qui ont fait tout spécialement le déplacement.
13h51 : La reine d'Angleterre entre dans l'abbaye de Westminster. Chapeau, gants blancs et robe jaune...
13h48 : Le prince Charles, père de William, est arrivé. Il salue quelques convives.
13h46 : La cérémonie débute d'ici une quinzaine de minutes.
13h44 : On aperçoit la reine dans sa voiture. Elle est habillé de couleur jaune.
13h38 : La famille royale quitte le palais de Buckingham, sous les applaudissements du public. Le dispositif de sécurité est impressionnant.
13h35 : Sobre mais élégante, la mère de Kate Middleton arrive à l'abbaye de Westminster, accompagnée de son fils.
13h28 : La voiture des parents de la mariée passe devant le palais royal de Buckingham.
13h25 : Beaucoup de têtes couronnées font partie des 1.900 invités à l'instar du prince Albert de Monaco, de la princesse du Maroc, du roi de Tonga ou encore du roi de Malaisie.
13h24 : L'uniforme du prince William est rouge. Il salue actuellement la famille Spencer, famille de Diana, sa mère.
13h21 : Le prince William vient d'arriver, aux côtés de son frère Ary. Tous deux foulent le tapis rouge.
13h17 : Ce jour de mariage princier a été proclamé férié en Angleterre.
13h15 : Les trottoirs sont bondés. La foule crie pour saluer les invités.
13h05 : Des bookmakers anglais ont parié de la possibilité que Kate Middleton disent "non" ! D'autres attendent de voir si Kate portera la coiffe de Lady Diana qui, pour l'anecdote, portait une robe avec une traîne de 8m de long lors de son mariage avec le prince Charles.
13h04 (heure locale) : Les invités arrivent au compte-goutte dans l'abbaye de Westminster. Elton John ou encore Victoria et David Beckham sont présents.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Dieta de los fideos
La dieta de los fideos es una que permite perder varios kilos por mes y variá con cada día de la semana para no saturar al organismo con los mismos alimentos e incorporar nuevos nutrientes cada día. Diariamente se debe tomar 2 litros de agua potable o mineral para mantenerse hidratada.
Desayuno: 1 vaso de leche descremada y 1 toronja.
Media Mañana: 2 tostadas integrales con jalea bajas calorías.
Almuerzo: 1 plato de fideos con una cucharadita de manteca bajas calorías.
Merienda: 1 yogurt descremado.
Cena: 1 plato de arroz integral 1 porción de ensalada de frutas sin azúcar de postre.
Desayuno: 1 vaso de jugo natural y 2 tostadas integrales.
Media Mañana: 1 yogurt descremado.
Almuerzo: 1 plato de fideos de espinaca con una cucharadita de manteca bajas calorías.
Merienda: 1 yogurt descremado.
Cena: 1 plato de arroz integral con 1 porción de ensalada de frutas sin azúcar de postre.
Desayuno: 1 vaso de leche descremada y 1 toronja.
Media Mañana: 2 tostadas integrales.
Almuerzo: 1 ensalada grande de vegetales aderezada con jugo de limón.
Merienda: 1 yogurt descremado.
Cena:1 plato de pastas con salsa bajas calorías y 1 porción de gelatina bajas calorías.
Desayuno:1 vaso de leche descremada y 1 banana.
Media Mañana: 50 gramos de almendras.
Almuerzo: 1 plato de lentejas con papas hervidas.
Merienda: 1 yogurt descremado.
Cena: 1 porción de arroz integral con vegetales al vapor con una porción de ensalada de fruta sin azúcar de postre.
Desayuno: 1 vaso de jugo natural y un bowl de granola con leche descremada.
Media Mañana: 2 tostadas integrales con queso crema bajas calorías.
Almuerzo: 1 plato de fideos con poca sal y una cucharadita de manteca bajas calorías.
Merienda: 1 yogurt descremado.
Cena: 1 ensalada grande de vegetales aderezada con limón y una porción de gelatina bajas calorías.
Desayuno: 1 vaso de leche descremada con 2 tostadas integrales con jalea bajas calorías.
Media mañana: 1 toronja.
Almuerzo: 1 sopa de vegetales.
Merienda: 50 gramos de almendras.
Cena: 1 plato de fideos con salsa bajas calorías y una porción de ensalada de frutas sin azúcar de postre.
Desayuno: 1 vaso de jugo natural y 1 toronja.
Media mañana: 2 tostadas integrales con queso crema bajas calorías.
Almuerzo: 1 plato de fideos con una cucharadita de manteca bajas calorías.
Merienda: 1 yogurt descremado.
Cena: 1 sopa de vegetales y gelatina bajas calorías de postre.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Ejercicios para levantar la cola
Las mujeres hispanas en general y las Argentinas en particular tienen una obsesión por la cola perfecta. Y los hombres contentos como es de esperarse. A continuación detallo algunos ejercicios muy efectivos para levantar la cola. Es solo cuestión de hacerlos a diarios (con unas 3 veces por semana ya notarias grandes diferencias) y veras como mejora esa parte tan mirada del cuerpo humano.
Ejercicio para aumentar el tamaño de la cola:
- Colócate en cuatro patas.
- Levanta la pierna derecha con la rodilla doblada (Como muestra la imagen de abajo).
- Mantén esta posición.
- Al subir la pierna, inspira; al najar exhala.
- Vuelve a tu posición inicial y repite el ejercicio, con la pierna izquierda, 3 series de 10 ejercicios.
- desùes, partiendo de la la misma posición, extiende la pierna izquierda hacia atrás e inspirando levántala lo más alto posible, luego bájala.
- Repite 3 series de 10 ejercicios.
Este es el mejor ejercicio levantar la cola, lo puedes realizar durante 15 minutos todos los días.
Ejercicio para tonificar la cola:
- Ponte de perfil, con una pierna adelante y otra atrás.
- Coloca tus manos en la cintura.
- Flexiona ambas rodillas.
- Mantén la espalda derecha, no quiebres la cintura, el abdomen debe estar firme.
- Sube y baja 10 veces, con cada pierna.
- Haz tres series de 10.
Este ejercicio, aumenta y fortalece los glúteos y se complementa perfectamente con el anterior. Si lo deseas, puedes hacer los dos y obtendrás resultados increíbles.
Ejercicio para levantar la cola:
- Colocate en posición boca abajo sobre una colchoneta.
- Separa las piernas, como una “V”, y pon los brazos pegados al cuerpo.
- Levanta una pierna, flexionando la rodilla.
- La pierna debe estar flexionada, y no recta, para evitar lesiones en la parte baja de la espalda.
- Finalmente, vuelve a empezar. Realiza tres series de 10 ejercicios.
Con esta serie de ejercicios hechos con constancia obtendrás muy buenos resultados y una cola mas que envidiable.
Comer huevos crudos disminuye los valores de vitamina B8
Comer huevos crudos estaba de moda hace unos años. Segun entiendo debido a una serie de television donde uno de los personajes principales los consumia habitualmente.
La vitamina B8 también conocida como biotina, es importante por su función en el metabolismo humano sirviendo como coenzima de reacciones químicas de carboxilaciones. Interviene en la producción de energía, en el metabolismo dehidratos de carbono, en la respiración celular y en unas cuantas funciones más.
Sin embargo el consumo cotidiano de huevos crudos puede llevar a su deficiencia dado que la clara de huevo sin cocer contiene activa una proteína conocida como avidina, la cual tiene la capacidad de combinarse con la vitamina B8 impidiendo de esta forma su absorción por parte del sistema digestivo.
Un déficit de vitamina B8 causa síntomas como depresión, dolores musculares, alucinaciones, dermatitis, alopecia y seborrea.
Si el huevo es cocido, de la manera que fuera, la avidina degenera y deja de servir como inhibidor. Con lo
Sin embargo el consumo cotidiano de huevos crudos puede llevar a su deficiencia dado que la clara de huevo sin cocer contiene activa una proteína conocida como avidina, la cual tiene la capacidad de combinarse con la vitamina B8 impidiendo de esta forma su absorción por parte del sistema digestivo.
Un déficit de vitamina B8 causa síntomas como depresión, dolores musculares, alucinaciones, dermatitis, alopecia y seborrea.
Si el huevo es cocido, de la manera que fuera, la avidina degenera y deja de servir como inhibidor. Con lo
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